API Reference

API Reference

The API reference below are valid for all endpoints unless explicitly mentioned


All currencies values are string-serialized to prevent any rounding issue with any libraries using float values. The
API should always return monetary values in the requested currency (which can be selected by the user), and if their
original currency is different, also return the original value.


Percentages are expected to be returned as a ratio (e.g, the percentage divided by 100), where the formatting of
the percentage is done by the client. A percentage of 39.4% is thus returned by the API as 0.394 (39.4 / 100.0).
The API only needs to return the rations with 4 digits of precision (e.g. ratio 0.0001 for 0.01%)

Missing/unavailable data

If data points are requested that are not available, the response is expected to return the key for that data point,
with a value of 'NA' (see MetricValue definition)


Some metrics such as change over time metrics can result in either positive or negative infinity. As the JSON
data types don't cater for infinity, we expect the responses to encode positive infinity as 'INF_POS' and
negative infinity as 'INF_NEG'.

Date / Datetime

Date and datetime values are expected to be formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format

Trend time ranges and periods

Trending data that can be requested by the /trend endpoints will return data aggregated to periods, depending on
the requested time frame. These periods are fixed, meaning you cannot ask for 24 hours time range with 1 minute

Time rangeParameterPeriod of one data pointNumber of data points returned
24 hours24h1 hour24
7 days7d4 hour42
30 days30d1 day30
90 days90d1 day90
allrange1 dayDepends on time_range_start and time_range_end


These are descriptions of the metrics that can be requested through the API. Not all metrics are available for all
entities. Which metrics are requestable are documented per API endpoint.

Most of the metrics also have a change metric (called as {metricname}_change). These represent the change
over time of the specific metric as a percentage (positive for rise or negative for decline). It compares the last
full requested time period, to the period of the same length before that. For instance if the time period is 7d (7 days)
it will compare the metric value of the last full 7 days, with the value of the 7 days before that. As it's a
comparison between a previous period, it's not available for the 'all' time range.

MetricMetric descriptionValue type
assetsNumber of assets in collectioncount
assets_changeChange in assetspercentage
holdersNumber of traders currently holding NFTscount
holders_changeChange in holderspercentage
holders_diamond_handsNumber of diamond hands that hold one or more NFTs from this collectioncount
holders_diamond_hands_changeChange in holders_diamond_handspercentage
holders_sharksNumber of sharks that hold one or more NFTs from this collectioncount
holders_sharks_changeChange in holders_sharkspercentage
holders_tokens_1Number of traders currently holding 1 NFT from collectioncount
holders_tokens_2Number of traders currently holding 2 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_tokens_3_5Number of traders currently holding 3-5 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_tokens_6_9Number of traders currently holding 6-9 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_tokens_10_15Number of traders currently holding 10-15 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_tokens_16_25Number of traders currently holding 16-25 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_tokens_9plusNumber of traders currently holding >9 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_tokens_25plusNumber of traders currently holding >25 NFTs from collectioncount
holders_whalesNumber of whales that hold one or more NFTs from this collectioncount
holders_whales_changeChange in holders_whalespercentage
marketcapThe total market value of the NFT collection calculated as the sum of each NFT valued at the average trading price of the collectioncurrency value
marketcap_changeChange in marketcappercentage
marketstateOverall state of the marketindex value (1-100)
priceLast price (highest last price of any NFT in case of collection)currency value
price_avgAverage price at which NFTs are soldcurrency value
price_avg_changeChange in price_avgpercentage
price_ceilingHighest price at which an NFT in the collection was sold forcurrency value
price_floorLowest price at which an NFT in the collection is up for salecurrency value
rarity_scoreRarity score of an NFT (higher is more rare)number
rarity_rankRarity rank of an NFT within a collection (lower is more rare)number
salesNumber of NFTs soldcount
sales_changeChange in salespercentage
trade_activityOverall trade activity based on trades and tradersindex value (1-100)
tradersNumber of traders (buyer and/or seller)count
traders_changeChange in traderspercentage
traders_ratioPercentage of active traders in requestion time_range compared to total number of traderspercentage
traders_ratio_changeChange in traders_ratiopercentage
traders_buyersNumber of buying traderscount
traders_buyers_changeChange in traders_buyerspercentage
traders_changeChange in traderspercentage
traders_sellersNumber of selling traderscount
traders_sellers_changeChange in traders_sellerspercentage
transactionsNumber of transactions (one transaction can be multiple NFTs sold)count
transactions_changeChange in transactionspercentage
transactions_mintNumber of mint transactions. One transaction can relate to multiple NFTscount
transactions_mint_changeChange in transactions_mintpercentage
transactions_burnNumber of burn transactions. One transaction can relate to multiple NFTscount
transactions_burn_changeChange in transactions_burnpercentage
transactions_buyNumber of buy transactions. One transaction can relate to multiple NFTscount
transactions_buy_changeChange in transactions_buypercentage
transactions_sellNumber of sell transactions. One transaction can relate to multiple NFTscount
transactions_sell_changeChange in transactions_sellpercentage
transfersNumber of NFTs flipped (includes both sale and non sale NFT transfers)count
transfers_changeChange in transferspercentage
volumeA measure of how much of an NFT collection was tradedcurrency value
volume_changeChange in volumepercentage
washtrade_assetsNumber of assets involved in washtradecount
washtrade_assets_changeChange in washtrade_assetspercentage
washtrade_levelLevel of washtrade activityindex value (1-100)
washtrade_suspect_salesNumber of sales suspect of washtradecount
washtrade_suspect_sales_changeChange in washtrade_suspect_salespercentage
washtrade_suspect_sales_ratioPercentage of sales suspected of washtrade compared to the total amount of salespercentage
washtrade_suspect_sales_ratio_changeChange in washtrade_suspect_sales_ratiopercentage
washtrade_volumeTotal trade vale suspect of washtradecurrency value
washtrade_volume_changeChange in washtrade_volumepercentage
washtrade_walletsNumber of wallets involved in washtradecount
washtrade_wallets_changeChange in washtrade_walletspercentage


Whales are the wallets that hold NFTs worth $1M. Whales' status will be deprived the moment they lose the worth of the NFTs they are holding. Whales can become normal wallets anytime when they are no longer holding NFTS that is worth $1M.


Sharks are the wallets that have done wash trading volume of over $1M.

Market state index (marketstate) values

The Market state index provides a high-level score on the state of NFTs sale in a blockchain or an NFT marketplace.

ScoreMarket activity status
1 - 20Very low
21 - 40Low
41 - 60Moderate
61 - 80High
81 - 100Very high

Washtrade level index (washtrade_level) values

This index represents the level of wash trade on the selected blockchain. It is calculated by looking at the percentage of wash trade volume over the non-wash trade volume.

Data points to calculate the index

  1. Volume
  2. Wash Trades
  3. Wash Trade transactions

This index is also available on the Marketplace and on the collection level.

ScoreWashtrade activity status
1 - 5Low
6 - 10Moderate
11 - 20High
21 - 35Very high
36 - 55Dangerously high
56 - 100Stay away from trading acitivities