NFT Brand contract metrics

Retrieve detailed contract metrics for an NFT brand, offering specific insights into contract-level performance and activity.

The response includes:

  • contract details: Number of contracts, total assets, blockchain, brand name, chain ID, and associated collection and contract addresses.

  • performance metrics:

    • growth rate: Contract growth over time.
    • number of holders: Total count of NFT holders.
    • user interactions: Engagement metrics related to user interactions.
    • marketplace volumes: Volume traded across marketplaces.
    • market capitalization: Valuation of assets under the brand's contracts.
    • minting revenue: Revenue from minting activities.
    • primary and secondary sale revenues: Earnings from initial and secondary sales.
    • retained traders: Number of repeat traders.
    • royalty revenue: Revenue generated from royalties.
    • total revenue: Overall revenue associated with the brand's contracts.
    • total volume: Aggregate trading volume.
    • number of traders: Count of unique traders.

This information provides a granular view of the brand's contract-level activity, financial performance, and trading dynamics within the NFT market.

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